
It was a great summer and the fall is now ramping up. I would like to remind all of you out there to replace your furnace filters. I also want to remind you of the impending cold and the issue of the set back thermostat. A set back thermostat is a thermostat which can automatically lower the temperature during desired hours. I personally believe that set back thermosats are great in the majority of the cold months but in the depths of the winter the set back thermostat is a potential disaster laying in the weeds. The thermostat should be set to a particular temperature and left there once December 15th shows up and left at the same temp until March 1st. The reasoning behind this theory is that the temperature outside is so cold and the thermostat being set back 10 to 15 degrees will leave the boiler idle for a long period of time, the water will not be moving. The fact that the water is not moving is the reason that the water in the piping could freeze if the conditions are just right. The outcome of a frozen pipe can be disasterous: flooding, furniture damage, building damage and equipment failure. I know the gas company tells all who will listen to set the thermostats back all season long but in my time as a service mechanic I have seen problems arise from this very scenario. Have a great fall season and remember to change your filters -Scott Campbell